Page 6 - A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession
P. 6

Critical Professional Inquiry
“Members refine their professional practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection.”
Professional Practice, Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession (Ontario College of Teachers, 2016b)
 This resource guide is an educative tool for fostering critical professional inquiry and dialogue related to educators’ ethical professional knowledge and understanding.
Ethical professional inquiry is a powerful form of professional learning. Engaging in critical inquiry empowers educators in the ongoing process of refinement of professional practice. As educators critically reflect on and analyze their practice through questioning and wondering, they
Figure 1
are able to gain new insights, understandings and perspectives.
Critical professional inquiry enables educators to become aware of the assumptions and beliefs that inform their decisions and actions. It also helps to uncover issues related to privilege and agency. The inquiry processes (see Figure 1) included in this resource are designed to assist educators in recognizing the importance of engaging in thoughtful, ethical reflection and dialogue prior to embarking on actions and making judgments.
A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession

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