Page 12 - A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession
P. 12

Artist’s Understanding of the Ethical Standard of Care
Reflect on the following interpretation of the artist’s painting depicting the ethical standard of Care and then respond to the professional inquiry questions:
Artist’s Statement – The Ethical Standard of Care
 The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students’ potential. Members express their commitment to students’ wellbeing and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.
Traditionally, everyone in the village would provide care through on-going support, guidance and encouragement to the children during every step of their childhood. Older people were the teachers. They would help to identify with their insight, the unique gifts and strengths of each child.
Based on their wisdom (professional judgment) that was gained through experience, and with compassion, the older people would make connections between a child’s observable strengths and what could be their role within the village. This was done with much care, for the best interest of the whole village. They did this in order to guide and support them to their most suitable and vital role. This process made the entire village an accepting and open learning environment.
Basket makers choose and prepare the splints that are best for each type of basket. They carefully organize them and weave them together to create the distinct basket patterns. Throughout this process is also woven the history of our connection to the earth and can be compared to the social structure of each village.
The painting depicts a woman holding a ‘corn wash’ basket, and washing the ashes from the corn in order to prepare it for cooking. From planting the corn, to harvesting, preparing for storage or consumption, every step is important, and every contributor is vital.
These practices of acceptance, kindness and compassion are done with the best interest of our future generations in mind.
Within this painting syncretism is represented. The traditional corn wash basket is used, but instead of a traditional pot, a bucket is used to hold the
A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession

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