Page 28 - Foundations of Professional Practice, August 2016
P. 28

Self-directed professional learning
Professional autonomy and self-directed professional learning puts trust in our professional judgment to decide what we need to learn or be developing. As professional educators, we are committed to ongoing professional learning throughout our careers and require the freedom to gain the experiences we need. This is how learning is best done.
—Member of the Teaching Profession
Autonomy in professional learning lies at the heart of teacher professionalism. Members of the College are intrinsically motivated to stay current and up to date in many ways through various pathways informed by professional needs, interests, passions and inspirations (Figure 8).
Professional Learning Paths
Figure 8
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers engage in a wide variety of professional learning in order to improve their practice and enhance student learning. These diverse opportunities are an integral part of the Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession. Educators engage in many forms of self-directed professional learning as well as participating in learning opportunities offered by their employers, the Ministry of Education, faculties
of education, professional institutions, community organizations, federations and subject associations. College members’ commitment to continued professional growth serves as the catalyst for innovative, creative and responsive professional practice.

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