Page 26 - Foundations of Professional Practice, August 2016
P. 26

The purposes of the Professional Learning Framework
for the Teaching Profession
The Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession (PLF) has been collaboratively designed with members of the teaching profession to reflect the following purposes (Figure 6):
Affirms the central importance of ongoing learning through the applied contexts of professional practice (teaching, leadership and interprofessional collaboration).
Promotes public trust and confidence in the collective teaching profession.
Assists members of the
College to identify, reflect upon and celebrate their learning experiences and ongoing growth.
Acknowledges the commitment members of the teaching profession have for intensive ongoing professional learning to further develop their professional knowledge, skills, practices and values.
Highlights a range of professional learning opportunities that members may consider to critically enhance their practice in the pursuit of enhancing student learning and well- being.
Figure 6
Purposes of the PLF
identifies a wide range of professional education and learning opportunities available for educators to foster their individual and collective growth.
 A commitment to ongoing learning is a central tenet of teacher professionalism. Educators’ professional knowledge and efficacy are fostered through engagement in professional learning and this is inextricably connected to student learning. Members of the Ontario teaching profession engage in multiple opportunities that increase their learning and further refine professional practice. The adoption of an ethical inquiry stance for professional learning and education helps to support democratic teaching and learning.

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