Page 19 - Foundations of Professional Practice, August 2016
P. 19

Professional teacher education and the standards
Together, the ethical standards and the standards of practice provide the foundation for pre- service and in-service teacher education. These principles of practice are based on the premise that personal and professional growth is a developmental process.
Teacher candidates in a pre-service teacher education program pursue professional learning consistent with the standards at an appropriate level for beginning teachers.
Beginning teachers and more experienced College members who participate in Additional Qualification (AQ) courses focus on particular areas of professional knowledge, skills and practice that are also based on the standards.
Candidates in the Principal’s Qualification Program or the Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program engage in professional learning that applies the ethical standards and standards of practice to responsibilities inherent in school and system leadership.
Shared responsibility in learning communities
Learning communities in classrooms, schools and educational systems across the province enable the teaching profession to pursue the goals and aspirations identified in this document.
Collaborative learning communities may be formed to include:
• school staff who plan together and inquire into student learning, select instructional
materials, participate in peer coaching, pilot new initiatives or share ideas and
• principals, supervisory officers, directors, or teacher educators who meet regularly
to discuss how to improve student learning, develop school improvement plans or
enhance skills
• parents and members of the community who share their knowledge and skills with
members of the profession to support classroom and school activities.
Learning communities become effective through the support and active participation of government, employers, parents, students and the Ontario public. College members believe that all educational partners and the public share a responsibility and commitment to this societal goal.
Collaborative partnerships, reflective dialogue, inquiry and self-directed learning are among the foundations of learning communities. These encourage school cultures that promote student success. Assuming collective responsibility in areas of school leadership, planning special projects, pursuing professional growth, mentoring or developing curriculum outcomes, for example, will be appropriate to the interests, needs, perspectives and the responsibilities of College members’ roles.

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