Page 18 - Foundations of Professional Practice, August 2016
P. 18

Beliefs about professional practice
Teaching is guided by the beliefs that:
• teaching and student learning are inextricably linked
• there exists an evolving body of professional knowledge and skills distinct to the
teaching profession
• teaching and leadership must be responsive to the diverse nature of Ontario’s
democratic society
• College members contribute to the development of professional knowledge through
their collaborative practice and professional interactions
• teaching is a highly contextual and multi-dimensional profession
• ongoing and self-directed professional learning are integral to and embedded in
teacher professionalism
• the knowledge, practice and leadership responsibilities of College members will evolve
as teachers move through a variety of career stages.
Professional identity and the standards
The ethical standards and standards of practice provide College members with guiding images that can foster a strong collective professional identity.
College members strive to be:
• caring role models and mentors committed to student success and the love of learning
• ethical decision-makers who exercise responsible, informed professional judgment
• self-directed learners who recognize that their own learning directly influences
student learning
• critical and creative thinkers who work towards improving and enhancing
professional practice
• collaborative partners and leaders in learning communities
• reflective and knowledgeable practitioners who inquire into and continue to refine
professional practice
• responsive pedagogical leaders who are respectful of equity and diversity within
Ontario’s classrooms and schools.

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