Page 38 - Creating Pathways to Success
P. 38

  Development, Implementation, and Evaluation: Process Steps and Considerations
Laying the Groundwork
• Establish an Education and Career/Life Planning Program Advisory Committee (see section 6.2), which will be responsible for the process described in this list.
• Develop strategies to encourage broad parent and student engagement in the development of the program.
• Consider the prevalence or distribution of particular interests, strengths, needs, and aspirations, as they relate to education and career/life planning, among the students in the school.
• Ensure that all educators in the school are familiar with the education and career/life planning program policy, as outlined in this document.
• Provide professional learning focused on the inquiry-based program framework and on strategies for embedding education and career/life planning in curricular and extracurricular programs, school-wide activities, and student activities in the community.
Developing the Program
• Assess how effectively the school’s existing career development program addresses students’ interests, needs, abilities, and aspirations (see section 6.5) and identify areas where improvement is needed.
• Establish priorities for program development based on the assessment of the current program, and include these in school improvement planning.
• Review the school’s curricular and extracurricular programs to identify active use of learning opportunities related to education and career/life planning, and determine what needs to be done to make the education and career/life planning program comprehensive (see section 2.3.2) and embedded in the life of the school.
• Create or reinforce structures and processes that support cross-panel collaboration related to education and career/life planning.
• Develop a communication plan that fosters support among all stakeholders for the implementation of the program in the school, at home, and in the community.
• Develop strategies for strengthening and expanding community partnerships.
• Ensure that the program and associated resources align with current ministry policies and initiatives, including the Equity and Inclusive Education strategy, the Aboriginal Education policy, and the Safe Schools strategy.
Implementing the Program
• Ensure that developmentally appropriate teaching and learning activities and resources are available to help students achieve specific learning goals.
• Articulate and promote the goal of embedding or “infusing” the program in all aspects of learning and school life and of embracing an inclusive approach, differentiated instruction, and a holistic view of individual students (i.e., taking account of students’ developmental stage, life circumstances, and interests, strengths, needs, and aspirations).

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