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assessment and identification. It can provide valuable insights and expertise into possible interventions and assistance in solving problems. The active involvement of parents
and students enhances the effectiveness of the team (adapted from Ontario Ministry of Education, 2001, pp. C6–C7).
restorative practices: Ways of responding to inappropriate behaviour that focus on repairing the harm done to people and relationships rather than on punishing the offender. (See Chapter 4.)
risk assessment: An assessment used to identify sources of potential harm to students and adults, such as inappropriate behaviour by a student that shows signs of escalating. (See Chapter 4.)
safety plan: A crisis-response plan that outlines the roles and responsibilities of staff in dealing with risky or potentially risky behaviour by a student. Development of the plan involves all staff who work on an ongoing and daily basis with a student, as well as parents and representatives from any community agencies working with the student/family.
the tiered approach: A systematic, sequential instructional approach that uses specific instructional interventions of increasing intensity to address students’ needs. It can be used to address either the academic or the behavioural needs of students who are having difficulty. (See Chapter 4.)
universal design for learning (UDL): A teaching approach that focuses on using teaching strategies or pedagogical materials designed to meet special needs to enhance learning for all students, regardless of age, skills, or situation. (See Chapter 4.)

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