Page 21 - Building Bridges to Success for First Nation, Métis and Inuit Students – Developing Policies for Voluntary, Confidential Aboriginal Student Self-Identification: Successful Practices for Ontario School Boards
P. 21

The task of self-identification policy development was assigned as a shared responsibility of the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board (KPDSB) and Kenora Catholic District School Board (KCDSB), led in each case by the respective Director of Education.
The intent was that the two directors would develop a policy process and policy product that could eventually be used by other NOEL boards.
The self-identification policy was developed in three phases:
1. Review of literature and relevant legislation and preparation of preliminary materials and early draft
2. Consultations and revisions of the draft policy
3. Policy refinement and review by trustees, staff, and legal counsel, leading
to board approval
The purpose of the consultations on the draft policy was to ensure that Aboriginal families and communities understood and were supportive of the initiative, and that they would self-identify on the school registration forms.
KPDSB and KCDSB worked with their partners at a number of levels. The boards worked with NAEC through NOEL, as well as through local groups, which included representatives associated with their tuition agreements.
KPDSB and KCDSB encountered challenges in consulting directly with Chiefs and Councils of First Nation communities. They found they had more success working through the education policy officials within the political organizations, such as Grand Council Treaty #3, who gave their support. As a result, and at the recommendation of NAEC, the boards did not go directly into the First Nation communi- ties but rather worked in partnership with First Nation organizations to reach out to First Nation parents and community members.
 • Successful Practices for School Boards

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