Page 20 - Building Bridges to Success for First Nation, Métis and Inuit Students – Developing Policies for Voluntary, Confidential Aboriginal Student Self-Identification: Successful Practices for Ontario School Boards
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Successful Practices for School Boards
With the support of the Ministry of Education, the Northern Ontario Education Leaders (NOEL) and the Toronto District School Board have completed pilot projects which have resulted in the establishment of self- identification policies in seven Ontario school boards. Their experiences provide valuable insights into successful practices for policy development and implementation.
Keewatin-Patricia and Kenora Catholic District School Boards
In December 2003, the Ministry of Education provided funding to support an Aboriginal student self-identification policy research project, an initiative of Northern Ontario Education Leaders (NOEL) and Northern Aboriginal Educational Circle (NAEC).
• Develop and approve a voluntary self-identification policy
• Involve Aboriginal educators, parents, students, and the Aboriginal
community in the development of the self-identification policy
• Develop an understanding of the implications of a self- identification policy by Aboriginal educators, parents, students, and the Aboriginal community
• Continue respectful working relationships and promote additional partnerships with Aboriginal educators, parents, students, and the Aboriginal communities

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