Page 80 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 80

Calls to Action
The 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation were released on June 2, 2015
United Nations Rights of a Child17
It was agreed way back In the year ’59
Since adults have Rights I should have mine.
UN’s Rights of a Child Is very long too
To start you off
We’ll name just a few.
To be safe and to learn
Be heard and to play
And be able to grow
And have a safe home to stay.
Access to health
And nutrition for growth A Doctor or Dentist?
I should have both.
I have a Right to my name And Nation of birth
A Right to be free
For my young years on Earth.
A Right to clean air?
And water to drink?
If you’re polluting the Earth Please stop and think.
Each year on June 2
We need you to say Rights of a Child
On our own special day!
17 Inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
  Figure 44: Aubree Kanoranó: ron General, Photo courtesy of Vanessa McNaughton Mohawk, Turtle Clan
  72 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness

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