Page 78 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 78

Voice Perspective
The boys’ feet began to lift off the earth.
One of the boys had a mother who was yelling very loudly at her son to come back. Her voice was wavering with emotion. The singer kept singing and the boys kept dancing.
But her son looked back. When he saw his mother and father he fell back to the ground.
The other boys continued to dance, and their dance raised them higher and higher. Soon they were dancing in the skies and soon they danced into the heavens.
One night in the middle of the next winter, the eighth child looked up, and to his surprise,
he saw them dancing straight above where he stood. He understood that it was once again time for the people to begin the cycle of thanksgiving ceremonies.
Elizabeth Doxtater
  Figure 43: Corn Husk Dolls, by Angel Doxtater
 70 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness

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