Page 92 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft
If a parent submits a written request for referral to an IPRC, the principal must follow the school board procedure in arranging for the IPRC meeting. (For further information about the IPRC process, see Part D.)
Transition Planning
Throughout their education, all students face a variety of transitions, including the transition from home or from an early years program to school, from one grade or level of schooling to another, from one school
to another, and from secondary school to an appropriate postsecondary pathway. Such transitions can pose a challenge for all students, but they can be particularly difficult and confusing for students with special education needs and their families. The coordination of planning well before the transition takes place can ensure that the student has all the necessary supports in place to make a successful and smooth transition.
Since 1998, transition plans have been required under Ontario Regulation 181/98, “Identification and Placement of Exceptional Pupils”, as part of the IEP, for exceptional students over the age of 14 who were making the transition from secondary school to postsecondary activities and community living, if they were not identified solely as “gifted”.
In 2000, the ministry policy document Individual Education Plans: Standards for Development, Program Planning, and Implementation set out additional requirements for the IEP, including the postsecondary transition plan. This policy document stipulated that the transition plan, as part of the student’s IEP, must include the following components:
• specific goals for the student’s transition
• the actions required, now and in the future, to achieve the stated goals
• the person or agency responsible for or involved in completing or
providing assistance in the completion of each of the identified actions
• timelines for the implementation of each of the identified actions

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