Page 91 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 91

Draft Part C: Early Identification, Assessment, and Transition Planning
  • refer the student for assessment, which may or may not lead to referral to an IPRC
• monitor the student and review the student’s progress after several weeks
• develop an IEP, including a transition plan, specifying the special
education strategies, resources, or other accommodations that the
student requires
• develop a transition plan alone
The goal of applying interventions and making accommodations is to enable the student to learn successfully. Decisions about interventions and accommodations are best made at the in-school team meeting. The needs of the individual student, the resources available, and parent and student preferences must all be considered in determining the nature and extent of the interventions and accommodations recommended and provided. The in-school team uses the expertise of its members to make decisions about how to best assist the student. Follow-up monitoring permits the team to build on the student’s success and to change the interventions that are not effective. Where appropriate, the in-school team may recommend that an IEP – or a transition plan alone – be developed to address the student’s special education needs.
Stage 3: Follow-Up Meetings of the In-School Team
A student’s case may be discussed once or over several meetings of the in- school team, depending upon the student’s ongoing or changing needs,
the success of school-based problem-solving efforts, and the need for additional information from specialized services. Usually a referral is made to an IPRC only after the interventions or accommodations agreed to at the in-school team meeting(s) have been tried and found insufficient. In some cases, it may be obvious at the outset that the needs of a child will be best met through an IPRC.
Stage 4: Referral to an Identification, Placement, and Review
Committee (IPRC)
Referral to an IPRC is made by the school principal, usually following a recommendation from the in-school team. The in-school team’s recommendation is based on:
• the results of ongoing program interventions;
• an educational assessment;
• additional assessments as requested by the team.

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