Page 63 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 63

Draft Part B: Standards for School Boards’ Special Education Plans Appendix B-2: Special Education Staff
  Elementary Panel
  Special Education Staff
 Staff Qualifications
 1. Teachers of exceptional students
   1.1 Teachers for resource-withdrawal programs
   1.2 Teachers for self-contained classes
   2. Other special education teachers
   2.1 Itinerant teachers
   2.2 Teacher diagnosticians
     2.3 Coordinators
 2.4 Consultants
   3. Educational assistants in special education
   3.1 Educational assistants
   4. Other professional resource staff
     4.1 Psychologists
 4.2 Psychometrists
   4.3 Psychiatrists
   4.4 Speech-language pathologists
     4.5 Audiologists
 4.6 Occupational therapists
   4.7 Physiotherapists
   4.8 Social workers
     4.9 Subtotal
 5. Paraprofessional resource staff
   5.1 Orientation and mobility personnel
   5.2 Oral interpreters (for Deaf students)

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