Page 61 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 61

Draft Part B: Standards for School Boards’ Special Education Plans Compliance with the Standard
The ministry will review the school board’s special education plan to ensure that it includes the information listed above and that the content is consistent with the legislation and with ministry policy.
Submission and Availability of School
Board Plans
Each board is required to make its special education plan available
to the public at the same time that it submits the plan to the ministry.
The board must inform the public in a variety of ways about how to access the plan. If the board maintains a website, the board is required to include information on ways in which members of the public may access the plan, and is encouraged to make the plan available on the website.
Two copies of the special education plan approved by the school board, and any amendments, must be forwarded to the local district office of the Ministry of Education.3 The complete plan must be submitted along with the following documents:
• a letter from the director of the school board4 that confirms that the school board’s special education plan is being submitted in compliance with the requirements of Regulation 306 and with the standards outlined here
• a copy of the board’s motion of approval of the plan, including the date of approval
• a copy of any related motions or recommendations from the board’s SEAC
3. For a list of the Ministry of Education Regional Offices, see Appendix B-3.
4. In the case of school authorities, this letter would be provided by the secretary of the school authority.

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