Page 29 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 29

Draft Part A: Legislation, Policy, and Funding The early childhood educator:
The early childhood educator, in coordination and cooperation with the classroom teacher:
• plans for and provides education to children in Kindergarten;
• observes, monitors, and assesses the development of Kindergarten
• maintains a healthy physical, emotional, and social learning
environment in the classroom;
• communicates with families;
• performs duties assigned by the principal with respect to the
Kindergarten program.
The parent:
• is familiar with and informed about board policies and procedures in areas that affect the child;
• participates in IPRCs, parent-teacher conferences, and other relevant school activities;
• participates in the development of the IEP;
• is acquainted with the school staff working with the student;
• supports the student at home;
• works with the school principal and educators to solve problems;
• is responsible for the student’s attendance at school.
The student:
• complies with the requirements as outlined in the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda;
• complies with board policies and procedures;
• participates in IPRCs, parent-teacher conferences, and other activities,
as appropriate.

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