Page 27 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 27

Draft Part A: Legislation, Policy, and Funding
  • monitors school compliance with the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda;
• requires staff to comply with the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda;
• provides appropriately qualified staff for programs and services for the exceptional students of the board;
• plans and reports on the expenditures for special education;
• develops and maintains a special education plan that is amended from
time to time to meet the current needs of the exceptional students of
the board;
• reviews the plan annually and submits amendments to the Minister
of Education;
• provides statistical reports to the ministry as required;
• prepares a parent guide to provide parents with information about
special education programs, services, and procedures;
• establishes one or more Identification, Placement, and Review
Committees (IPRCs) to identify exceptional students and determine
appropriate placements for them;
• establishes a SEAC;
• provides professional development to staff on special education;
• adheres to all applicable legislation.
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC):
• makes recommendations to the board with respect to any matter affecting the establishment, development, and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional students of the board;
• participates in the board’s annual review of its special education plan;
• participates in the board’s annual budget process as it relates to special
• reviews the financial statements of the board as they relate to special
The school principal:
• carries out duties as outlined in the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda, and board policies;
• communicates Ministry of Education and school board expectations to staff;
• ensures that appropriately qualified staff are assigned to teach special education classes;

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