Page 84 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 84

 B3.3 design a menu that is suited to the needs
of children or adolescents at a particular stage of development, that uses foods from the four food groups of Canada’s Food Guide, and that is appropriate to the needs of a specific cultural group.
B4. CommunicationTechniques
By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 demonstrate an understanding (e.g., through role play, simulation, or case studies) of the importance of both verbal and non-verbal com- munication techniques (e.g., verbal: questioning, active listening; non-verbal: body language, sign language, reading Braille);
B4.2 describe linguistic and cultural communica- tion barriers (e.g., concepts of personal space
[how close you stand to someone], avoidance of eye contact, women not speaking to men), and apply techniques for overcoming them (e.g., using action signs to communicate with those who can’t speak or read English, using a well-organized message);
B4.3 demonstrate the ability (e.g., through role play) to apply a conflict resolution approach, and list the benefits of conflict resolution skills;
B4.4 demonstrate an understanding of common health care terms (e.g., resuscitation, anaphylactic shock, syringe, stethoscope, immunization, therapy, asepsis, malnutrition), and use them correctly in oral and written communication.
B5. FirstAid
By the end of this course, students will:
B5.1 demonstrate competence (e.g., through role play) in emergency scene management and in the performance of cardiopulmonary resuscita- tion (CPR) and interventions for choking and anaphylactic shock;
B5.2 demonstrate competence (e.g., through role play) in using procedures for controlling bleed- ing and treating cuts, abrasions, sprains, fractures, burns, and loss of consciousness.
Health Care

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