Page 78 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 78

 Grade 10, Open
 C1. describe ways in which hairstyling and aesthetics products and activities can affect the environment, and ways to reduce harmful effects;
C2. demonstrate an understanding of trends and social issues in relation to the hairstyling and aesthetics industry.
  C1. IndustryPracticesandthe Environment
C2. IndustryPracticesandSociety
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Technological Education
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 identify some environmental effects of various products used in the hairstyling
and aesthetics industry (e.g., toxic substances: peroxide, chemical relaxers, lighteners; non- biodegradable substances: plastic; organic/ natural substances: facial masks, olive oil);
C1.2 describe how salons and spas can help to protect the environment (e.g., purchase sustain- able products, such as refillable containers, prod- ucts with natural ingredients, non-toxic cleaning products, and energy-saving products; adopt envi- ronmentally friendly methods of managing waste, such as recycling and waste-reduction programs).
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 describe some key social issues that are
of concern to the hairstyling and aesthetics industry (e.g., the use of animal testing in product development; the use of natural versus synthetic ingredients in product development; demand for scent-free and hypoallergenic products; cultural protocols, such as the Anishinaabe practice of collecting cut hair to dispose of in a culturally acceptable way);
C2.2 identify some new technologies in hair- styling and aesthetics and describe how they are changing the industry (e.g., image design software, hair and nail extensions, airbrushing).

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