Page 77 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 77

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. perform a variety of salon/spa services, using appropriate tools and products in a professional and safe manner;
B2. use knowledge of design elements and principles in the contexts of hairstyling and aesthetics services and marketing;
B3. apply methods for meeting the needs of the salon/spa clientele.
B1. PerformingSalon/SpaServices
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 select safe and appropriate materials, tools, and products and use them correctly to perform professional salon/spa services;
B1.2 identify appropriate sterilization and sanita- tion products and equipment and use them correctly when providing salon/spa services (e.g., disinfectants, antiseptics, wet sanitizer, ultra-violet-ray sanitizer, autoclave);
B1.3 comply with workplace health and safety regulations in handling salon/spa products and equipment (e.g., regulations for handling and storing chemicals, preventing harm from spills and vapour emissions, wearing personal protective equipment);
B1.4 apply appropriate ergonomic principles in the workplace by adjusting equipment and tools properly to help maintain good posture while working (e.g., setting chairs to proper height, using a mannequin stand extension);
B1.5 perform a variety of hairstyling and aesthetics procedures (e.g., hairstyling: thermal styling, wet styling, shampooing, hair and scalp treatments; aesthetics: manicures, nail tips, facials, make-up, hair removal) for a variety of purposes/occasions (e.g., for peer modelling events, client days, musicals, drama productions, fashion shows, charity events).
B2. UsingKnowledgeofDesign
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 use knowledge of elements of design (e.g., space, line, direction, colour) to plan hairstyling and aesthetics strategies;
B2.2 use knowledge of design principles
(e.g., proportion, balance, emphasis) to sketch, create, and produce a variety of pleasing/ interesting salon/spa styles and effects (e.g.,
in nail art, make-up, eyebrow shapes, hairstyles);
B2.3 use design knowledge and skills creatively in a variety of hairstyling and aesthetics market- ing contexts (e.g., showcase and/or bulletin board displays; displays on seasonal, fantasy, bridal themes; men’s styling promotions; promotions for a school prom or theatrical production; use of Aboriginal designs to market to the Aboriginal community).
B3. MeetingtheNeedsofClients
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 communicate and interact effectively with clients (e.g., use active listening and questioning; observe rules of conversational and professional etiquette);
B3.2 conduct service and product consultations
to identify the hairstyling and aesthetics services to be provided (e.g., interview potential clients and record their information, noting relevant med- ical information such as allergies);
B3.3 incorporate fashion trends and new technolo- gies into salon/spa services (e.g., new styles, prod- ucts, and techniques featured by fashion magazines, in trade shows, on the Internet, and by guest speakers).
Hairstyling and Aesthetics

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