Page 111 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 111

 B3.2 perform appropriate measurements related to system components (e.g., tire pressure; chain, cable, and/or belt tension and wear; specific gravity of engine coolant; battery voltage), making any necessary adjustments to meet manufacturers’ specifications;
B3.3 service steering/control, suspension, brake, electrical, and body system components (e.g., lubricate body hinges [on doors, hood, trunk or hatch], balance tires, check brake fluid level, check vehicle height, charge a discharged battery) safely and correctly.
By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 perform exterior and interior surface care procedures (e.g., detailing, washing and waxing, removal of debris from undercarriage) safely and correctly;
B4.2 use proper procedures for winterizing and/or storing vehicles and/or craft (e.g., test antifreeze, drain or stabilize fuel, take rust prevention measures).
 B4. CareandMaintenanceofVehicles and/or Craft
Transportation Technology

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