Page 104 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 104

 Grade 10, Open
 B1. research, plan, and organize projects, using a design process and appropriate methods and tools; B2. apply appropriate methods for generating and graphically representing design ideas and solutions; B3. create and test models using a variety of techniques, tools, and materials;
B4. use suitable communication methods throughout the design process.
  B1. Research,Planning,and Organization
B3. MakingandTestingModelsand Prototypes
 B2. DevelopingandRepresenting Design Ideas
 B4. ReportingandPresenting
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Technological Education
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 gather and use pertinent information (e.g.,
on existing products, available materials, and other resources) for a variety of design challenges
(e.g., human transportation device; locker organizer; light bulb remover; birchbark canoe, tikinagan, or other item made from local renewable resources);
B1.2 plan and organize projects and related activi- ties, using a design process and appropriate methods and tools (e.g., sequence chart, tracking sheet, file management).
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 create freehand sketches of brainstormed design ideas, emphasizing key features (e.g., shapes, texture, materials, protrusions, unusual features);
B2.2 apply mathematical and scientific concepts and skills as required in the course of designing various products and/or processes;
B2.3 produce hand-drafted and/or computer- based technical drawings of design solutions, using standard drafting tools and conventions.
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 use appropriate tools, equipment, and mate- rials to create design models and/or prototypes (e.g., tools: rotary tool, bandsaw, fabric shears, CAD software; equipment: computer, sewing machine; materials: paper, wax, clay, wood, metals, composites, plastics, cardboard, starch, textiles);
B3.2 use appropriate measuring methods and scales (e.g., metric: 1:10, 1 cm:1 m or 1:100, 1:500; imperial: 1/2":1’ or 1:24) when creating models and prototypes;
B3.3 assess models and/or prototypes on the basis of prescribed criteria (e.g., aesthetics, ergonomics, safety, efficiency, environmental impact).
By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 create presentations and/or design briefs using a prescribed format to document proposed design solutions;
B4.2 report and reflect on their experience with the design process, using a suitable oral and/or written format (e.g., presentation, log, journal).
By the end of this course, students will:

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