Page 94 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 94

   B4. NetworkSetupandManagement
By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 design and build a network (e.g., connection media, interconnection devices, peripherals, server, workstations) that meets user requirements;
B4.2 optimize and maintain a computer network (e.g., check performance, accessibility, and security);
B4.3 implement various network services for users (e.g., HTTP, FTP, remote desktop, SMTP, DHCP);
B4.4 configure workstations, servers, and/or net- worked devices (e.g., create users, assign privileges to folders, set up services, format and partition hard drives);
B4.5 apply logical troubleshooting techniques, using data from simulation and/or diagnostic tools (e.g., simulation software, packet sniffers, cable tester).
B5. ComputerProgramming
By the end of this course, students will:
B5.1 compare low-level and high-level program- ming languages;
B5.2 apply programming concepts including subroutines, parameter passing, decision and repetition structures, arrays, and character representation;
B5.3 use a design process (see pp. 22–23) to create a program that interacts with a real-world device (e.g., traffic light, alarm system, robot, joystick);
B5.4 write a low-level program that runs on a real or simulated controller device (e.g., programmable logic controller [PLC], microcontroller, assembler simulator).
Computer Engineering Technology

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