Page 85 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 85

 Grade 11, Workplace Preparation
 A1. describe the function and development of a variety of computer hardware;
A2. describe the topologies and hardware of computer networks, and the advantages and disadvantages
of computer networking;
A3. describe the requirements and purpose of a variety of current software, and identify compatibility issues for this software.
  A1. Computer Hardware A3. Software
 A2. Networking Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 use relevant technical terminology to describe computer hardware (e.g., processors, memory, drives, monitors, printers);
A1.2 identify and describe current storage devices (e.g., hard drives, CD/DVD drives, USB drives);
A1.3 describe the function of current input and output devices (e.g., keyboards, mice, tablets, printers, monitors, scanners, webcams);
A1.4 discuss past developments and current trends in hardware technology (e.g., changes in types, capacity, speed, and cost).
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 describe common network topologies and requirements (e.g., physical layouts, equipment, connections);
A2.2 describe the function of various types of network hardware (e.g., hubs, switches, routers, cabling);
A2.3 describe the advantages and disadvantages of networked computing (e.g., data sharing, collaborative applications, security, costs, centralized administration, reliability, effects of equipment failure).
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 describe the purpose of various types of soft- ware (e.g., operating systems, application software, drivers, firmware);
A3.2 compare the requirements of various operat- ing systems (e.g., memory, hard-drive space, processor type and speed, video resolution);
A3.3 identify a variety of current software prod- ucts, their uses, and their hardware require- ments;
A3.4 describe the use of drivers and plug-and- play systems for computer hardware;
A3.5 identify issues of software compatibility (e.g., operating systems; software, driver, and operating system updates; hardware; backward and forward compatibility of files).
By the end of this course, students will:

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