Page 73 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 73

 Grade 12, Open
 B1. use project management techniques effectively in the development of photographic, digital imaging, animation, 3D modelling, and web design products;
B2. apply a design process or other problem-solving processes or strategies to meet a range of challenges in creating photographic, digital imaging, animation, 3D modelling, and web design products;
B3. create productions that demonstrate competence in the application of creative and technical skills.
 B1. ProjectManagement
 B2. ProblemSolving
B3. ProcessandProductionSkills
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 use planning techniques and tools effectively (e.g., research, storyboards, scripts, site plans, roughs, mock-ups, design briefs) when creating plans for a photographic, digital imaging, animation,
3D modelling, and/or web design project;
B1.2 use appropriate organizational and time- management tools (e.g., student planners, jour- nals, production schedules, electronic organizers, organizational software) throughout the project to ensure that project deadlines are met.
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 apply the steps in a design process to devel- op solutions to creative challenges (e.g., define the problem or challenge, taking into account rele- vant contextual or background information; define project objectives and criteria and identify con- straints such as cost, time, or technology limitations;
gather information and generate possible solutions using techniques such as brainstorming; evaluate possible solutions and apply the one that most effectively meets the objectives and criteria within the existing constraints) (see pp. 22–23);
B2.2 apply appropriate problem-solving approach- es and/or techniques to solve specific technical problems (e.g., diagnostics, reverse engineering, trial and error, divide and conquer, parts substitution, extreme cases).
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 apply creative skills, equipment operating skills, and software skills to create components for a media production (e.g., create images and animations, design page layout and navigation scheme, edit markup language for a website; shoot photographs, process images, make and mount prints for a photographic exhibition);
B3.2 apply editing skills to integrate the compo- nents into a unified and effective production.
By the end of this course, students will:

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