Page 71 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 71

 Grade 12, Open
 A1. demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts, techniques, and skills required to produce a range of photographic, digital imaging, animation, 3D modelling, and/or web design products or services;
A2. demonstrate an understanding of technical terminology, scientific concepts, and mathematical concepts used in photography, digital imaging, animation, 3D modelling, and/or web design and apply them to the creation of media products;
A3. demonstrate an understanding of and apply the interpersonal skills necessary to work effectively with clients and peers.
 A1. CoreConcepts,Techniques,and Skills
 A2. TechnicalTerminologyandScientific and Mathematical Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 demonstrate an understanding of technologi- cal concepts (e.g., aesthetics, control, environmen- tal sustainability, ergonomics, fabrication/building/ creation, function, innovation, material, mechanism, power and energy, safety, structure, systems) and their relevance to the design and creation of media projects (see pp. 7–8);
A1.2 use photographic, imaging, and computer equipment safely and correctly to perform basic production tasks or create simple products
(e.g., set up cameras, tripods, and lights; capture images with a digital camera or scanner; transfer images between devices);
A1.3 use imaging, image editing, animation, 3D modelling, and web design software correctly to perform basic production tasks or create sim-
ple products (e.g., correcting and manipulating images, preparing images for web or print viewing, tweening, texture mapping, creating an animated GIF, designing a web page);
A1.4 demonstrate an understanding of the cre- ative skills and techniques required to produce effective photographs, digital images, animations, 3D models, and/or web pages (e.g., composition, lighting, image editing and optimization, claymation, site planning);
A1.5 identify components of photographic and imaging systems (e.g., cameras, camera supports and accessories, scanners, computers, monitors, printers) and devices (e.g., camera controls, sensor, mirror), and describe their functions;
A1.6 use safe and appropriate methods for install- ing, transporting, and storing photographic and imaging equipment (e.g., removable storage devices, cameras, cables, flashes, tripods, lights, scanners);
A1.7 apply basic design principles (e.g., balance, rhythm, proportion, contrast, flow) and elements (e.g., colour, line, space, form, texture) to communi- cate an idea or concept.
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 demonstrate an understanding of terminol- ogy related to photography, digital imaging, animation, 3D modelling, and web design, and use it correctly in oral and written communica- tion (e.g., resampling, rule of thirds, aperture, reso- lution, image map, rastor and vector formats, blending, colour mode, key frames, rendering, spline, control points);
By the end of this course, students will:

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