Page 354 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 354

By the end of this course, students will:
C1. TechnologyandtheEnvironment
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 demonstrate an understanding of environ- mental issues that affect product design (e.g., finite non-renewable resources, pollution, wastes, greenhouse gases, climate change, ozone depletion, life cycle of products);
C1.2 describe, promote, and apply design prac- tices that conserve energy and other resources (e.g., reuse or recycle lumber and other materials, use materials with recycled content, use wood glue instead of hot glue, use energy-management soft- ware for computers and other electronic equipment, use renewable energy, use high-efficiency motors and appliances);
C1.3 demonstrate an understanding of technologi- cal, political, and social strategies for managing the relationship between society and the envi- ronment (e.g., technological developments to improve energy efficiency and/or reduce emissions, lobbying governments for regulations and/or fund- ing to improve the environment, education about environmental issues);
C1.4 explain how good design can reduce the wastes produced by the manufacture and use of products.
C2. TechnologyandSociety
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 research and report on the history of techno- logical eras (e.g., agricultural, industrial, and information eras) and developments (e.g., inven- tion of seed drill, mechanization of production, wireless communication);
C2.2 describe how society influences technology (e.g., higher energy costs spur development of more efficient vehicles, increasing population density leads to the construction of taller buildings, envi- ronmental awareness leads to development of alter- native energy sources);
C2.3 describe how technological change affects society (e.g., health care developments increase lifespan, robotics replace human resources);
C2.4 describe intellectual property rights related to the design of products (e.g., copyright, trade- mark, patent).
 C1. demonstrate an understanding of environmentally responsible design practices and strategies, and apply them in the technological design process and related activities;
C2. research and describe the relationship between society and technological development.
Twenty-first Century
Technological Design in the

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