Page 266 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 266

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. demonstrate a professional level of culinary competence in food preparation and presentation;
B2. demonstrate the ability to follow the best practices of administration and management as they
relate to the tourism industry;
B3. demonstrate the ability to successfully market and promote an event or activity;
B4. demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver an event or activity.
B1. FoodPreparationandPresentation
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 demonstrate proficiency in the use of various food preparation methods using dry heat, moist heat, and the combination heat method (e.g., dry: sauté; moist: poach; combination: braise);
B1.2 use measurement tools and equipment to accurately measure the volume and mass of food products in metric, US customary, or British imperial units as appropriate;
B1.3 prepare a variety of culinary products, including appetizers, main courses, and desserts (e.g., stocks, soups, sauces, sandwiches, salads, meats, fish, cakes, pastries), that meet a variety of regular and special dietary needs (e.g., vegetarian, salt-reduced, religious, cultural);
B1.4 use a variety of flavours to enhance the taste of foods (e.g., herbs, spices, vinegars, oils);
B1.5 apply appropriate functional garnishes to a variety of foods (e.g., croutons for soup, fresh herbs for meats and vegetables, lemon for fish), using appropriate culinary techniques that take into account edibility, colour, texture, taste, contrast, and tradition;
B1.6 demonstrate the use of culinary techniques (e.g., forming an emulsion such as mayonnaise, creating leavening in baked products) that take into account the physical and chemical changes that occur in food preparation;
B1.7 demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which a standardized recipe helps to control various factors related to food preparation and presentation (e.g., quality, consistency, cost).
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 demonstrate the ability to make individual contributions to overall team performance
(e.g., in a brigade system; as a“front of the house” [serving staff] member,“back of the house”[kitchen staff] member; in sales and/or marketing);
B2.2 use appropriate inventory procedures to manage stock effectively (e.g., monitor expiration dates; use the“first in, first out”[FIFO] method in selecting items from inventory);
B2.3 demonstrate the use of appropriate ordering, shipping, and receiving procedures;
B2.4 use appropriate mathematical skills to cor- rectly calculate the cost of food (e.g., per person, per plate, per event, per recipe).
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify various marketing strategies and select one or more appropriate strategies for an event or activity;
  B2. AdministrationandManagement Practices
  B3. MarketingandPromotingan Event or Activity
Hospitality and Tourism

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