Page 259 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 259

 Grade 11, Workplace Preparation
 B1. demonstrate technical proficiency in the use and maintenance of tools and equipment related to the food and beverage services sector of the tourism industry;
B2. use appropriate techniques for handling, preparing, and presenting food products;
B3. demonstrate an understanding of appropriate procedures to follow in planning an event or activity.
 B1. UsingToolsandEquipment
 B3. PlanninganEventorActivity
 B2. FoodHandling,Preparation, and Presentation
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 demonstrate proficiency in using a variety of tools and equipment related to the food and beverage services sector (e.g., stoves, cash regis- ters, floor mixer, telephone);
B1.2 use standard measuring tools to accurately determine, in metric, US customary, or British imperial units as appropriate, the weight and/ or volume of ingredients for meal preparation and, in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, the cook- ing temperature required;
B1.3 maintain tools and equipment related to the food and beverage services sector (e.g., sharpen a knife, clean a food processor, clean a ventilation system) safely and correctly.
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 apply Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA) standards in handling, storing, and
preparing food products (e.g., cook and/or store food at the proper temperature; apply the“first in, first out”[FIFO] method in selecting ingredients);
B2.2 prepare simple recipes (e.g., breads, cookies, vegetable dishes, stocks, soups, poultry) using readily available ingredients;
B2.3 prepare and present creative, attractive, and functional plate garnishes (e.g., sprig of rose- mary, tomato rose, strawberry arrangement) appropriate for the food being served;
B2.4 convert recipes correctly in order to increase or decrease their yield (i.e., the number of per- sons who can be served);
B2.5 set a table in an appropriate manner to suit the circumstances (e.g., paying attention to the choice and arrangement of utensils and glassware, the design of the centrepiece, the way napkins are folded, and the number of place settings required);
B2.6 apply a variety of food and beverage services skills (e.g., order taking, order of service, table busing) as required, in accordance with industry standards.
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 research and report on a local and/or provin- cial tourism event or activity (e.g., music festival, sporting event, product show, cultural event) and identify the components that made the event or activity successful;
B3.2 design an event or activity and complete the appropriate preparations for the event or activity (e.g., mise en place, trip itinerary, production schedule);
B3.3 identify the equipment required for an event or activity (e.g., chafing dishes for buffet service, insulated carrier for offsite catering, tables and tent for outside reception) and identify the cost of purchasing or renting the equipment;
B3.4 apply principles of advertising in promoting a school event or community activity (e.g., create a marketing campaign for a local tourism event);
B3.5 use computer software to prepare and pres- ent a variety of documents related to an event or activity (e.g., menu, brochure, advertisement).
By the end of this course, students will:

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