Page 134 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 134

By the end of this course, students will:
D1. Technology and the Environment
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 plan projects and construction processes to minimize waste (e.g., use efficient cutting patterns, reuse leftover material);
D1.2 describe the costs and benefits of environ- mentally friendly building practices (e.g., high- efficiency heating and cooling, renewable energy technologies, reuse of grey water, use of materials produced from sustainable resources);
D1.3 compare ways of reducing the environmental footprint of construction projects through the choice of energy sources (e.g., solar, geothermal, wind), building design (e.g., extra insulation, high- efficiency heating systems, green roof), and con- struction processes (e.g., use of recycled material, fuel-efficient equipment);
D1.4 outline strategies to reduce, reuse, and recy- cle construction materials, and identify meth- ods for implementing sustainable building practices (e.g., work with a community partner or government agency, help develop local programs, create a public awareness campaign);
D1.5 research and describe strategies for imple- menting sustainable building practices (e.g., Canada Green Building Council guidelines, Forest Stewardship Council Canada standards).
D2. Technology and Society
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 research and assess the economic and social effects of the construction industry (e.g., creation of primary and secondary jobs, transport of materi- als, land use, resource management, encroachment on Aboriginal lands);
D2.2 describe the factors affecting the quality of life of the occupants of residential and/or light commercial buildings (e.g., air quality, allergens, carcinogens, aesthetics, access to transit and other services);
D2.3 describe how provincial and municipal regu- lations affect the design and cost of construction projects and influence how the construction industry meets societal needs;
D2.4 identify factors to consider in community planning (e.g., population density, ecology, culture).
 D1. identify and evaluate measures that can be taken to conserve resources on construction projects; D2. explain how the construction industry and society affect each other.
Construction Engineering Technology

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