Page 101 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 101

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
 D1. explain and follow computer-related safety standards and practices;
D2. describe ethical and security issues related to the use of computers;
D3. demonstrate an understanding of professional customer-service practices;
D4. apply the skills required for success in the workplace;
D5. describe opportunities for careers and training related to computer technology, and explain the need for lifelong learning in the computer technology industry.
 D1. Health and Safety
 D3. Customer Service
 D2. Ethics and Security
 D4. Workplace Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 explain the importance of following industry health and safety standards and practices (e.g., standards and regulations specified in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System [WHMIS], the Electrical Safety Code, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board [WSIB]; ergonomically sound workplace arrangements and practices);
D1.2 describe and use appropriate equipment, techniques, and strategies to avoid health and safety problems when assembling, using, and maintaining computer systems (e.g., repetitive strain injuries, eye strain, electrical shock);
D1.3 research and discuss issues related to Internet safety (e.g., protection of information stored on computers or transmitted over a network, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, privacy policies).
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 describe the components of an acceptable- use policy for computers (e.g., restrictions on commercial or personal use, prohibition of inappro- priate content and plagiarism, protection of privacy and intellectual property rights);
D2.2 explain the reasons for software licensing agreements and registration procedures;
D2.3 explain the importance of computer security (e.g., passwords, security software updates, protect- ing personal identity information and client data).
By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 develop procedures for tracking client data electronically (e.g., using a spreadsheet, database, journal, or log);
D3.2 explain the importance of professionalism in customer relations (e.g., ensuring appropriate per- sonal appearance, using active listening techniques, making eye contact, speaking clearly and respectful- ly, being approachable, being aware and respectful of diverse cultural communication styles);
D3.3 develop and model customer-service proce- dures for dealing with clients (e.g., procedures for complaints, troubleshooting, and providing cus- tomer support by telephone, email, or the Internet);
D3.4 communicate with clients using an appropri- ate level of technical terminology;
D3.5 model user-level support for software (e.g., simulate an IT help desk, create an FAQ website).
By the end of this course, students will:
D4.1 demonstrate time-management skills in proj- ect settings (e.g., set realistic goals, recognize time constraints, plan for deadlines, prioritize tasks);
By the end of this course, students will:

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