Page 6 - Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools: A Resource Guide
P. 6

        Rules and 2 Requirements
                2.1 Basic Requirements
Principals must consider the two basic requirements stated in Regulation 298 (subsections 19(1) and 19(2)) when assigning or appointing a teacher to teach a subject, teach in a division, or hold a position – namely, that assignments must be made:
§ with the aim of providing the best possible program and ensuring the safety and well-being of students;
§ in accordance with the qualifications recorded on the teacher’s Certificate of Qualification and Registration.1
These two requirements work together. A teacher’s qualifications are an indi- cation that he or she has the knowledge and skills needed to provide the best possible program in a particular subject, division, or position and to ensure the safety and well-being of students.
However, principals may at times need to assign a teacher who does not have the required qualifications but who is nevertheless considered competent
to teach a particular subject, teach in a division, or hold a certain position. Regulation 298 allows for such assignments to be made by mutual agreement (subsection 19(3)) or, in specified circumstances, under the authority of a Temporary Letter of Approval (TLA) granted by the Minister (section 19.2). These two options are outlined in the following sections. In either case, the principal must be guided by the goal of providing the best possible program and ensuring the safety and well-being of students.
1. Some subjects in the Ontario curriculum have no matching qualifications (e.g., civics, world religions).
In these cases, assignments should continue to be made with the aim of providing the best possible program.
  6 Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools

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