Page 5 - Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools: A Resource Guide
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secondary schools. It is a plain language guide to the current rules that school principals must follow when assigning teachers to teach subjects, teach in divisions, or hold positions in Ontario schools. A glossary of terms is provided at the end of this document to assist the reader.
This resource guide is intended to serve as a practical reference for school board staffing committees, school principals, teachers, teachers’ federations, supervisory officers, and all those involved in the assignment of teachers to teaching positions. It highlights important factors to be considered when making assignment decisions, in order to provide the best possible learning experience for Ontario students.
The information in this resource guide incorporates feedback and addresses requests for clarification from teachers, teachers’ federations, principals, and school boards across the province. The guide will be revised over time on the ministry website to provide further clarification in response to questions and issues that may arise locally but that have general application. The current version was revised in March 2011 to provide specific references to relevant legislation for the information of readers, and to supply additional clarification of certain requirements. The latter type of revision is indicated by a note
in square brackets at the end of the revised paragraph – as shown at the end of this paragraph. (Readers should check the website, at, periodically to ensure that they are working from the most current version of the guide.) [Rev. Mar. 2011]
In making assignment decisions, principals need to be aware of any relevant determinations or recommendations of the school board staffing committee and any other relevant provisions regarding teacher assignment in governing collective agreements.
Readers should note that the Education Act and regulations made under the act take precedence in any questions of interpretation that might arise.
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