Page 11 - Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools: A Resource Guide
P. 11

§ A teacher with or without a postsecondary degree who has qualifications
in a division in a general education subject or has technological education qualifications may be assigned to teach cooperative education in a secondary school. However, in a general education subject, the related curriculum course must be taught by a teacher who has a qualification in a general education subject, and in technological education, the related course must be taught by a teacher with technological education qualifications. (See Reg. 298, subsection 19(7).) (A TLA is required if a teacher without these qualifications is to be assigned to teach the related course.)
For example For example
 A teacher who has qualifications in Intermediate/Senior – History or a qualification in Grade 11 and 12 Manufacturing Technology may be assigned to teach the placement component of a cooperative education course in a general or technological education subject.
§ A teacher with or without a postsecondary degree who has technological education qualifications and a qualification in guidance and career education may be assigned to teach guidance and career education. (See Reg. 298, subsection 19(8).)
  For example
A teacher who has a qualification in Grade 9 and 10 Hairstyling and Aesthetics and a qualification in guidance and career education may be assigned to teach guidance and career education.
§ A teacher who has a qualification in the general education subjects of Computer Studies or Business Studies – Data Processing on August 31, 2010, may be assigned to teach Computer Technology in technological education. (See Reg. 298, subsection 19.1(2).) A teacher who obtains such qualifications after that date may be assigned to teach Computer Technology only with a TLA.
A teacher who, on May 25, 2009, successfully completed a qualification
in Computer Studies may be assigned to teach Computer Technology. However, a teacher who successfully completed a qualification in Computer Studies on October 15, 2010, may not be assigned to teach Computer Technology unless a TLA is granted.
  Rules and Requirements 11

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