Page 10 - Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools: A Resource Guide
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2.4 Applying for a Temporary Letter of Approval
PPM No. 153 provides information on the requirements for submitting an application for a TLA, a description of the application process, and the application form.
The director of education or other school board official authorized by the board must submit an application for a TLA to the manager of the appropriate regional office of the ministry. In completing the application form provided in PPM
No. 153, the board confirms that the teacher has a Certificate of Qualification and Registration in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers, and attests to the competency of the teacher for whom the application is being made. The teacher’s competency would be determined on the basis of such factors as teaching experience, education credentials (including qualifications), and any other information relevant to the position. The board must confirm on the
form that the teacher has agreed to the proposed assignment.
2.5 Additional Assignment Provisions
The assignment rules outlined below generally reflect adaptations to changes in the curriculum or in teachers’ qualifications over time and/or allow teachers to “cross over” between general education and technological education. These assignments may be made as a matter of course and, unless otherwise stated below, do not require a TLA or mutual agreement.
Technological Education
§ A teacher who has technological education qualifications and a qualification in a general education subject may be assigned to teach the general education subject if he or she also has a qualification in a division. (See Reg. 298, subsection 19(5).) (A TLA is required if the teacher does not have a qualification in a division.)
   For example
A teacher who has a qualification in Grade 11 and 12 Communications Technology and an AQ in Visual Arts, Part 1, may be assigned to teach Visual Arts only if he or she also has a qualification in the primary, junior, intermediate, or senior division.
 10 Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools

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