Page 326 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 326

 Grade 12, University Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
C3.2 summarize and interpret statistics related to social deviance, discrimination, and
hate crimes
Teacher prompts: “How can statistics be misin­ terpreted?” “How can bias affect statistical results?” “In what ways can social science research contribute to the social construction of ‘deviance’ and consequent discrimination?”
C3.3 describe various methods of deterrence used within local, national, and global institutions and societies (e.g., restorative justice, the death penalty, sentencing circles, suspension and expul­ sion provisions within the education system), and explain the reasons for each
Teacher prompts: “How do Canada’s gun- control laws compare with those in other English-speaking countries? How effective are Canada’s gun-control laws in limiting gun-related crimes?” “How effective are suspensions and expulsions in decreasing ‘unacceptable behaviour’ in schools?”
C3.4 explain the relationship between social
panic about crime and deviance and the attention given to these issues by media, politicians, and other social groups
Teacher prompts: “How accurately does report­ ing of crime by the media reflect long-range trends in national or regional crime statistics? What reasons might explain any discrepancies?” “How might media crime reports affect the choices people make about where to live and work and where to send their children
to school?”
C3.5 explain ways in which the deterrence of social deviance and the maintenance of civil liberties can come into conflict with one another (e.g., with respect to Bill C-36: the Canadian Anti- Terrorism Act)

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