Page 324 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 324

 Grade 12, University Preparation
 B3. Technological Change
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
B2.4 explain the relationships between conformity, alienation, and social change (e.g., conformity discourages social change; feelings of alienation on
a group level sometimes lead to movements to bring about social change; drastic social change sometimes leads to greater conformity)
Teacher prompt: “How did feelings of alienation among France’s citizens of North African descent lead to riots in the summer of 2005? What changes have resulted from the riots?”
B2.5 explain the relationships between poverty, affluence, and social change (e.g., the effects of the digital divide and/or unequal access to higher education on the social and economic prospects of different groups)
Teacher prompt: “In what ways could unequal access to technology be seen as a form of discrimination?”
B2.6 explain the impact of social change on indi­ viduals in Canada and on Canadian society (e.g., increased participation of women in the work­ force has led to increased need for parental-leave provisions and daycare services; increased recognition of climate change has brought environmental issues to the forefront of political and economic debates; demographic changes have created a need for legal changes to prevent harassment and discrimination)
Teacher prompt: “How have the roles of women in Canada changed? What are some effects of these changes on women themselves and on Canadian society?”
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify some recent technological changes and describe how they affect individuals
(e.g., computer technology and the Internet provide extensive opportunities for social networking; many workplace technologies place a physical strain on workers and require ergonomic remedies)
Teacher prompt: “In what ways are technological changes advantageous to some while being disadvantageous to others?”
B3.2 explain how various new technologies (e.g., in medicine, education, entertainment, health and wellness) can affect social structures and interactions
Teacher prompts: “How do different forms
of media affect time that families and friends spend together?” “How can technology be used to increase student engagement? What are some of the risks of increased use of tech­ nology in school?” “How have new reproduc­ tive technologies affected the structure of some families?” “What are some of the ethical dilem­ mas regarding new technologies in medicine?” “How has the increased use of surveillance technologies affected school culture in some secondary schools?”
B3.3 explain how technological advances (e.g., in manufacturing, agriculture, recycling) lead to cul­ tural adaptations (e.g., the rapid introduction of new technologies creates cultural lag that leads to social problems and conflicts)
Teacher prompt: “How has the introduction of robotic technology affected workers’ roles in the automotive industry?” “What is cultural lag? What kinds of social problems can arise from cultural lag?”

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