Page 287 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 287

  D3. Common and Diverse Experiences of Childhood
By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 identify forms of children’s play that are found in all societies/cultures (e.g., traditional games involving balls and sticks, games modelled on “tag”, variations of “playing house”)
D3.2 describe how childhood experiences vary/have varied in different cultures and historical periods (e.g., variations in levels of freedom and/or adult supervision for children in different times and places; variations in the age at which children start school and/or work in different times, places, or cultures)
D3.3 compare expectations for male and female children in their own and other cultures
Teacher prompt: “Are there differences in how boys and girls are treated or expected
to behave in your family/culture? If so, what are some of them (e.g., toy selection, clothing choices)? What are some expectations that are the same for boys and girls?”
Raising Healthy Children

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