Page 263 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 263

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. PersonalResponsibilities:demonstrateanunderstandingoftheroleofpersonalresponsibility in independent living, and of strategies that can be used to meet individual needs;
D2. WorkplaceRightsandResponsibilities:demonstrateanunderstandingoftherightsand responsibilities of employers and employees, including both personal and legal responsibilities;
D3. ConsumerRightsandResponsibilities:demonstrateanunderstandingoftherolethatresponsible consumerism plays in living independently.
D1. Personal Responsibilities
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 describe the various ways individuals meet their basic food needs (e.g., budgeting for food, making healthy food choices, planning meals, buying locally produced food, applying food safety techniques, recognizing the importance of breakfast, contacting community organizations that provide assistance)
D1.2 explain the various ways individuals meet their basic clothing needs (e.g., wardrobe plan­ ning, laundering clothing, contacting community organizations that provide assistance, shopping at used-clothing stores)
D1.3 explain the various ways individuals meet their basic housing needs (e.g., choosing appro­ priate housing alternatives, budgeting for shelter, maintaining a safe and clean home, contacting community organizations that provide assistance)
D1.4 identify personally relevant legal docu­ ments, records, and areas of law (e.g., insurance policies, wills, leases, health records, insurance records, the Landlord and Tenant Act, municipal by-laws), and describe their importance
Teacher prompts: “Why is it important to know one’s rights as a tenant?” “Why are car owners required to have automobile insurance?” “How does having insurance help reduce the risk to your resources?” “Why is it important to make a will?”
D1.5 identify strategies for maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life (e.g., managing stress, prioritizing activities, making time for self and family, being physically active, getting enough sleep, maintaining healthy relationships, contributing to the community)
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 explain the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and self-image in the workplace
Teacher prompt: “How can feeling good about oneself alleviate workplace stress?”
D2.2 explain the importance of ethics and honesty in the workplace
Teacher prompts: “How does acting with integrity improve an employee’s relationship with other employees and the employer?” “How does acting with honesty affect a company’s ability to attract business?”
D2.3 identify the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers
D2.4 identify policies, laws, and government regulations related to health and safety in the workplace (e.g., employee manuals, workplace safety policies, the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act)
  D2. Workplace Rights and Responsibilities
R P e e s r s e o a n r c a h l L a i n f e d MI n a q n u a i r g y e mS k e i n l l t s
H HI F I 1P 04 / O2 0

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