Page 227 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 227

 E2.3 describethethreebasicstylesofcommuni­ cation (i.e., passive, aggressive, assertive)
Teacher prompt: “Suppose a person in your school group has let you down by not doing his or her part of a project on time. What would a passive response to the problem look like? An aggressive response? An assertive response? Which approach is likely to be most constructive?”
E2.4 describebehavioursandotherfactorsthat can interfere with effective communication
(e.g., interruptions, judgements, angry intonation, too great or too little physical distance, noise, blaming, sarcasm, threats, prejudice, gossip, accusations, lies, rumours, inappropriate use of technology, cultural misunderstandings, bias)
E2.5 demonstratetheuseofavarietyofskills and techniques for communicating effectively (e.g., listening actively; maintaining open body language; taking turns in conversation; following accepted etiquette for telephone, cellphone, and Internet communication; setting clear boundaries)
E2.6 explainwhyitisimportanttobeawareofthe communication styles of cultural groups other than their own (e.g., norms about eye contact, physical contact, and personal space)
Teacher prompt: “What are some ways you might need to adjust your communication style when attending a celebration of a cultural community other than your own?”
E2.7 describewaysinwhicheffectiveandineffective communication can affect relationships
Teacher prompt: “What are some signs of good communication and/or miscommunication in a relationship?”
E3. Resolving Conflicts
By the end of this course, students will:
E3.1 describe how conflicts arise in various human interactions
E3.2 identifyfactorsthatcanleadtointerpersonal conflicts (e.g., jealousy, differing opinions, differing values, differing personalities)
E3.3 identify various approaches that may
be used to effectively resolve conflicts (e.g., Aboriginal healing circles, compromise and negotiation, avoidance of/removal from a situation, restorative justice processes, mediation, peer media­ tion, letter writing, techniques learned through assertiveness training)
E3.4 identifyanddemonstrate(e.g.,inroleplaying, in real situations) constructive and respectful techniques for resolving various types of interpersonal conflicts
Teacherprompt:“Whataresomecommunica­ tion techniques that have been found to be helpful in conflict resolution?”
E3.5 identify and describe the different strategies used in conflict resolution (e.g., showing mutual respect, confronting the problem, identifying/ defining the basis of the conflict, communicating understanding of another’s perspective, considering alternatives, agreeing on a workable solution, continuing to evaluate the situation)
E3.6 explain why conflicts that are based on infringements of rights and/or that involve a power imbalance (e.g., harassment, homophobia, bullying) cannot be effectively resolved using informal conflict-resolution strategies
By the end of this course, students will:
E4.1 analyse the benefits of being part of a multicultural community
Teacher prompt: “How could understanding and appreciation of different cultures benefit your work and personal relationships?”
E4.2 outline various ways in which individuals can enhance relationships through community involvement (e.g., through mentoring programs, consensus-building initiatives, volunteering, advocating for the rights of others)
Teacher prompt: “How does peer mentoring help to improve school morale and build community within schools?”
E4.3 assess the effectiveness of a variety of social-action initiatives that promote healthy relationships (e.g., letter-writing campaigns, petitions, brochures, videos, websites, art works, music, posters, drama productions, workshops)
Teacher prompt: “What criteria would you use to determine the effectiveness of a social-action initiative aimed at preventing bullying?”
E4.4 design and implement a social-action initiative to promote healthy relationships (e.g., a campaign against bullying, discrimination, hate propaganda, or homophobia; a campaign to raise cultural awareness and understanding; an initiative to form a student equity and human rights club; a campaign to address community environmental concerns
or gender-related issues)
 E4. Enhancing Relationships through Community Involvement
Dynamics of Human Relationships

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