Page 226 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 226

  E1. Making Decisions: demonstrate an understanding of effective decision-making processes in a variety of social contexts;
E2. Communicating Effectively: demonstrate an understanding of effective communication skills and their role in maintaining healthy relationships;
E3. Resolving Conflicts: demonstrate an understanding of effective strategies for resolving conflicts in human interactions;
E4. Enhancing Relationships through Community Involvement: analyse and assess social-action initiatives that support or contribute to healthy relationships and/or healthy communities, and design and implement an initiative of their own.
Grade 11, Open
 E1. Making Decisions
 E2. Communicating Effectively
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
By the end of this course, students will:
E1.1 explaintheadvantagesanddisadvantagesof some common approaches to decision making (e.g., acting on impulse, adopting a laissez-faire attitude, flipping a coin, listing pros and cons, creating a plus/minus/interesting chart)
Teacher prompt: “For what types of decisions would acting on impulse be a reasonable decision-making strategy? For what types
of decisions would this strategy be potentially risky?”
E1.2 identifystepsinthedecision-makingprocess (e.g., defining the problem, reviewing goals and values, identifying alternative solutions, weighing the options, choosing a solution, evaluating the results)
E1.3 describe factors that affect decision making (e.g., goals, values, priorities, needs, wants, resources, peers, parents, family members, community, school, faith community, media)
E1.4 identifyandconsultavarietyofcredible resources for information and assistance in making decisions (e.g., teachers, guidance coun­ sellors, Health Canada, Dietitians of Canada, the Vanier Institute of the Family, local health units, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the Centre for Prevention Science, the Promoting
Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network, the Centre for Positive Relationships, the World Health Organization, the World Wildlife Fund, Native friendship centres, multicultural centres, MothersAgainstDrunkDriversCanada)
E1.5 applyappropriatedecision-makingprocesses effectively in a variety of relationships (e.g., intimate relationships, multicultural relationships, multigenerational relationships, multi-faith rela­ tionships, employment relationships)
Teacher prompts: “What are some issues that would typically cause relationship problems?” “How would you portray (e.g., through a role play or written story) a decision-making process thatwouldhelpyouchoosethebestapproach to a relationship problem?”
By the end of this course, students will:
E2.1 identifythecomponentsofverbalcommuni­ cation (e.g., choice of vocabulary, tone of voice, volume,rhythmandpaceofspeech,culture-based modes of address)
E2.2 identifythecomponentsofnon-verbalcom­ munication (e.g., body language and manner of self-presentation, eye contact, physical distance, culture-based behaviour)
By the end of this course, students will:

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