Page 193 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 193

 E3.4 demonstrate the ability to adapt recipes to accommodate specific dietary needs (e.g., to adhere to religious dietary practices, to limit salt intake for somebody with high blood pressure, to adhere to ovo-lacto vegetarian dietary practices)
E3.5 demonstratetheabilitytomeasurequantities accurately (e.g., use different strategies for measuring wet and dry ingredients; level off excess amounts; measure liquids at eye level)
E3.6 demonstrate the correct use of food- preparation techniques (e.g., stirring, beating, whipping, chopping, broiling, frying)
E3.7 demonstrate the ability to manage time effectively in food preparation
E3.8 demonstrate the ability to plan, prepare, and serve a food item or items according to set criteria
Nutrition and Health

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