Page 173 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 173

 D3.5 demonstrate the correct use of food- preparation techniques (e.g., stirring, beating, whipping, chopping, broiling, frying)
D3.6 demonstrate the ability to manage time effectively in food preparation
D3.7 demonstrate an understanding of meal customs and table-setting practices in a variety of cultures (e.g., sitting on the floor on a rug in northern Africa; sitting on tatami [mats] for a tra­ ditional Japanese meal; setting the table with many utensils for a formal European meal)
D3.8 plan, prepare, and serve a variety of food items from various countries/cultures using culturally specific ingredients and techniques
D4. Kitchen Literacy and Numeracy
By the end of this course, students will:
D4.1 demonstrate an understanding of the infor­ mation found on Canadian food labels and on labels of foods from other countries
Teacher prompts: “Why is it sometimes difficult to know the country of origin of some packaged foods?” “How can it be that a food which is labelled ‘Product of Canada’ may have been produced several thousand kilometres away?” “What different information is included on food labels from countries other than Canada? What similarities do you see between Canadian food labels and labels from other countries?”
D4.2 demonstrate the ability to follow recipes from different countries
Teacher prompts: “What different food terms and cooking terms do you notice in recipes from other countries?” “What are aubergines and courgettes? What is bicarbonate of soda?”
D4.3 demonstrate an understanding of common terms used in food preparation (e.g., names of utensils and techniques)
D4.4 apply mathematical skills correctly in food- preparation tasks (e.g., convert between imperial and metric measurements; convert between measures based on weight and those based on volume; calculate yield changes)
Food and Culture

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