Page 164 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 164

 Grade 9 or 10, Open
 E4. Kitchen Literacy and Numeracy
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
E3.4 demonstrate the correct use of food- preparation techniques (e.g., stirring, beating, whipping, chopping, broiling, frying)
E3.5 demonstrate the ability to manage time effectively in food preparation
E3.6 plan, prepare, and serve a food item or items according to set criteria
By the end of this course, students will:
E4.1 identify various sources of recipes (e.g., cookbooks, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, food packages, appliance manuals, recommendations from family or friends)
E4.2 describe useful information found in cookbooks and other sources of recipes (e.g., conversion charts, nutrition information, cooking techniques, food-related terminology, storage tips)
E4.3 comparevariousrecipeformats(e.g.,narrative, standard, active)
E4.4 demonstrate the ability to follow a variety of recipe formats
E4.5 apply mathematical skills correctly in food preparation tasks (e.g., convert between metric and imperial measures; calculate yield changes)

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