Page 159 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 159

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Food Needs: demonstrate an understanding of factors affecting people’s food needs and of ways of meeting those needs;
C2. Influences on Food Choices: demonstrate an understanding of various factors that influence food choices;
C3. Media, Advertising, and Food: demonstrate an understanding of how media and advertising messages affect food choices.
C1. Food Needs
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 describe factors that affect people’s food needs (e.g., food preferences, dietary and health needs, busy schedules, major life changes)
Teacher prompt: “How would you plan meals to meet special food needs in your household?”
C1.2 describeeffectivestrategiestouseinselecting, preparing, and serving food to meet a variety of food needs (e.g., creating a budget, estimating per-serving costs, using coupons, planning menus and meals, developing appropriate food-preparation skills and techniques, preparing foods in advance)
C1.3 describe ways in which household members can contribute to the provision of food both inside and outside the home (e.g., planning meals, shopping for food, preparing food, cleaning up)
C1.4 plan and prepare a food item or items to address specific food needs (e.g., the need for a low-sodium diet, a low-cholesterol diet, a healthy diet for a person with a hectic schedule)
C2. Influences on Food Choices
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 identify different factors that influence people’s food choices (e.g., nutritional, cultural, emotional, environmental, religious, social, ethical, economic)
Teacher prompts: “Why do some people choose to be vegetarian?” “How can you modify
your food choices to reduce your impact on
the environment?” “Why might some people choose to eat organic foods while others choose to eat local foods as a way of reducing their impact on the environment?” “What foods
do you eat that are specific to your family, culture, and/or religion?”
C2.2 explainhowpersonal,family,andcommunity resources (e.g., money, time, knowledge, ability, equipment, availability of foods) influence personal food choices
C2.3 explain how childhood eating habits can influence lifelong eating patterns
Teacher prompts: “How do the eating patterns you had as a child influence your current eating patterns?” “How do you see your eating pat­ terns changing in the future?” “What foods and food traditions would you want to pass on to your own children? What foods and food traditions would you not want to pass
on to your own children?”
C2.4 analyse how social situations influence food choices
Teacher prompts: “How does being with friends influence your food choices?” “How do different social situations influence your food choices?” “How are your food choices influenced by the foods and beverages that are available in your school?”
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