Page 129 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 129

 have male and female models seen in the media changed over the past fifty years? Considering norms, values, and trends today, what do you think models might look like twenty years from now?”
B3. Fashion Cycles and Trends
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify and describe the stages of a fashion cycle (i.e., introduction, growth, maturity, decline, and obsolescence)
Teacher prompts: “Why are end-of-season sales common in clothing stores?” “How long is the typical fashion cycle for clothing items? Why might fashion cycles for teen and young adult clothing be shorter than those for clothing designed for other age groups?”
B3.2 explain theories that have been developed to account for the origin and adoption of fashion trends (e.g., trickle up, trickle down, trickle across), and describe the use of these theories in the fashion business
Teacher prompt: “How are fashion theories used when predicting future trends? How do these theories influence fashion business decisions?”
B3.3 analyse how social factors, including current events, influence fashion trends and cycles (e.g., factors such as historical events, technological advances, economic factors, geographical factors, environmental issues)
Teacher prompts: “In what ways have sports influenced fashion trends?” “How has concern for the environment affected current fashion trends?” “How do economic recessions or depressions affect attitudes towards luxury fashion items?”
Understanding Fashion

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