Page 85 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 85

d2.3 conduct an investigation to extract DNA from a specimen of plant or animal protein [PR]
d2.4 investigate and analyse the cell components involved in the process of protein synthesis, using appropriate laboratory equipment and techniques, or a computer simulation [PR, AI]
D. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
d3.1 explain the current model of DNA replication, and describe the different repair mechanisms that can correct mistakes in DNA sequencing
d3.2 compare the structures and functions of RNA and DNA, and explain their roles in the process of protein synthesis
d3.3 explain the steps involved in the process of protein synthesis and how genetic expression is controlled in prokaryotes and eukaryotes by regulatory proteins (e.g., the role of operons in prokaryotic cells; the mechanism of gene ex- pression in eukaryotic cells)
d3.4 explain how mutagens, such as radiation and chemicals, can cause mutations by chan- ging the genetic material in cells (e.g., the mechanisms and effects of point mutations and frameshift mutations)
d3.5 describe some examples of genetic modifi- cation, and explain how it is applied in industry and agriculture (e.g., the processes involved in cloning, or in the sequencing of DNA bases; the processes involved in the manipulation of genetic material and protein synthesis; the development and mechanisms of the polymer- ization chain reaction)
d3.6 describe the functions of some of the cell com- ponents used in biotechnology (e.g., the roles of plasmids, restriction enzymes, recombinant DNA, and vectors in genetic engineering)
d3.7 describe, on the basis of research, some of the historical scientific contributions that have advanced our understanding of molecular genetics (e.g., discoveries made by Frederick Griffith, Watson and Crick, Hershey and Chase)


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