Page 64 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 64

 Grade 11, College Preparation
    A1. demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analysing and interpreting, and communicating);
B2. identifyanddescribecareersrelatedtothefieldsofscienceunderstudy,anddescribethecontributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields.
  A1. Scientific Investigation Skills
A1.3 identify and locate a variety of print and electronic sources that enable them to address research topics fully and appropriately
A1.4 apply knowledge and understanding of safe laboratory practices and procedures when plan- ning investigations by correctly interpreting Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) symbols; by using appropriate techniques for handling and storing laboratory equipment and materials and disposing of laboratory and biological materials (e.g., pre- served specimens); and by using appropriate personal protection
Analysing and Interpreting [AI]*
A1.8 synthesize, analyse, interpret, and evaluate qualitative and/or quantitative data to determine whether the evidence supports or refutes the initial prediction or hypothesis and whether it is consistent with scientific theory; identify sources of bias and/or error; and suggest improvements to the inquiry to reduce the like- lihood of error
A1.9 analyse the information gathered from re- search sources for logic, accuracy, reliability, adequacy, and bias
A. Scientific inveStigAtion SkillS And cAreer explorAtion
Throughout this course, students will:
Performing and Recording [PR]*
A1.5 conduct inquiries, controlling relevant vari- Throughout this course, students will: ables, adapting or extending procedures as required, and using appropriate materials and Initiating and Planning [IP]* equipment safely, accurately, and effectively, to A1.1 formulate relevant scientific questions about collect observations and data
observed relationships, ideas, problems, or
A1.6 compile accurate data from laboratory and issues, make informed predictions, and/or
other sources, and organize and record the formulate educated hypotheses to focus inquiries
data, using appropriate formats, including
or research
tables, flow charts, graphs, and/or diagrams A1.2 select appropriate instruments (e.g., a
A1.7 select, organize, and record relevant infor- microscope, a stethoscope, plant-propagation
mation on research topics from a variety of instruments, dissection instruments) and
appropriate sources, including electronic, print, materials (e.g., prepared slides, agar plates,
and/or human sources, using suitable formats and plants), and identify appropriate methods,
an accepted form of academic documentation techniques, and procedures, for each inquiry
* The abbreviation(s) for the broad area(s) of investigation skills – IP, PR, AI, and/or C – are provided in square brackets at the end of the expectations in strands B–F to which the particular area(s) relate (see pp. 20–22 for information on scientific investigation skills).

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