Page 249 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 249

 D2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
By the end of this course, students will:
d2.1 use appropriate terminology related to the prevention of disease, including, but not limited to: communicable, non-communicable, microorgan- ism, pathogen, disease, epidemiology, vector, immunization record, quarantine, pandemic, vaccine, antiseptic, sterilization, disinfection, and pasteurization [C]
d2.2 conduct an investigation, using safe practices and aseptic techniques, to compare the charac- teristics and growth of different types of non-pathogenic bacteria [PR, AI]
d2.3 investigate the effects of various drug therapies (e.g., different antibiotic discs) on the growth of bacteria [PR, AI]
d2.4 use a simulation (e.g., phenolphthalein and sodium hydroxide; a computer simulation) to demonstrate how diseases can spread through a community, and analyse the results [PR, AI]
D. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
d3.1 describe modes of transmission of some communicable diseases, including those that are insect-borne (e.g., malaria, encephalitis),
airborne (e.g., influenza, tuberculosis), water- borne (e.g., cholera, poliomyelitis), sexually transmitted (e.g., HIV/AIDS), and food-borne (e.g., mad cow disease, trichinosis, salmonella)
d3.2 identify the causes and symptoms of various diseases (e.g., AIDS, influenza, salmonella, West Nile virus), and describe measures intended to prevent their spread
d3.3 describe the reasons for immunization against specific diseases, the function of records of immunization in Ontario, and the importance of maintaining a personal immunization schedule
d3.4 describe the use of vaccines, antibiotics, antiseptics, and other medical measures, both conventional and alternative, intended to control disease
d3.5 explain the differences between bacteria and viruses in terms of their size, structure, and reproduction, and the methods used to control their spread
d3.6 explain the importance of the proper use, storage, and disposal of medications (e.g., the importance of taking the full course of antibiot- ics, following directions, keeping medications away from children, monitoring side effects, returning expired medication to a pharmacy for disposal)

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